Monday, October 1, 2012

Ground Breaking for the Indianapolis Temple

Happy October,

Can you believe that it is already October? Where does the time go?

We pretty much enjoyed the best Sacrament Meeting of the year yesterday. It was the Primary Program. The four of us sat there laughing throughout the entire program. During "I'm Trying to be Like Jesus", specifically the verse where it says, "be gentle and loving...", Kiara shoved the girl standing next to her. Haha The Nelson boy pulled his name tag off his chair and put it on his chin, where it bobbed up and down while he sang. In general, the kids were super entertaining. Some yelled into the mic, others were too shy to even say their part, and others were just down right ADORABLE. But I think the biggest show stealer was Dane Anderson with his most charming facial expressions. He was so cute. He would have his angry eyes on for a minute, then he'd let out a big sigh and rest his head on his hands. So cute. It's too bad they don't allow video recording. That would be a hoot.

In the way of news: Holden was sent home after only 10 days due to health problems. The family, as you can imagine is devastated. They think it's due in part to his poor eating practices and the fact that the Elders had no food in their apartment, so he just wasn't eating enough. He sees a doctor today, and hopefully they can figure things out and he can try it again.

Dad is scheduled for surgery next week. His shoulder has been bothering him a lot and he's finally going to get it fixed. Hopefully all goes well and will be back in the saddle before long. 

Other than that, things are going well. Keep up the good work. We love you so much!

Love, Mom


Well, the unexpected happened today. We had transfer calls and Bother Elder Joos and I are leaving. There's a lack of missionaries, so they're temporarily shutting down a few of the areas, Kokomo being one of them. The other Elders in our district are in a town called Logansport, which is the largest area in our entire mission. It's only a branch there with about sixty people attending weekly and their ward boundaries are bigger than some of the stakes around. They'll be taking over Kokomo for a while and teaching the investigators here. I don't know how they're going to do it, because it's about thirty miles from here to Logansport. 

It's a bummer we're being shut down because we had a great week. We've been teaching a lot. The last lesson with Larry and Jane went well. We'll be meeting with them again tomorrow.

There's a family in the ward that I really love, and they have us over for dinner about every two weeks. They're from the Philippines, and they're great. We might be eating with them again tonight to say goodbye. It's funny because they knew Elder Moore, my trainer, when he was a brand new missionary and they lived in the Logansport Branch. 

We met a pretty cool member this week. His name's Aaron, and he's a paraplegic. He hasn't been to church in about four years. We talked with him and he shared a scripture with us that his friend shared with him the other day. It was in Ephesians 6 about putting on the armor of God. We talked to him about how it opened his eyes. He showed up at church on Sunday, which was neat. 

On Saturday we got to go to our church building and watch the groundbreaking ceremony for the temple. It was fantastic. Elder Hallstrom from the Presidency of the Seventy presided and All the Stake Presidents and Bishops in Indiana were there. I spotted a few people from Carmel, which was neat. They said the temple would be finished in about two years. It will be a huge blessing for the people here. 

Well, that's really all for now. I'll let you know where I'm at next week. 

Love,  Jared

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