Sunday, March 10, 2013

Bummer of a Week

February 11, 2013

Hi Jared,

Another week has come and gone. It goes so fast.

I'm loving my job on Capitol Hill. I have learned so much. I didn't realize how much I didn't know until I started learning. It's fascinating to me. I really enjoy the people and the process from which an idea becomes a law. The House just passed a bill to raise the speed limit along I-15 to 80 miles an hour. Now we wait to see if it passes in the Senate. Dad follows along every day, following all that they do. He even streams the video of the session to see what happens and occasionally catches a glimpse of me. So fun.

Mikayla is in the middle of her play, The Little Mermaid. She loves it. We hardly see her because she is always at the school. It will be over in a week. She's pretty fun to watch. Ivan and Jenn and the kids, Nichole and her kids, and Grandma and Grandpa all came down for the weekend to watch the play. We had a good time. Grandma and Grandpa are still here and said to tell you hi. 

Here's a funny neighbor story: The other day, Laura got some Little Smokies sausages and some croissant rolls and made Pigs in a Blanket. She had extra sausages, so she just put BBQ sauce on them. When she served dinner, Oliver, who is three, said he wanted some "Crying Piggies" and pointed to the BBQ sauce. She dished him up some and then asked him why the piggies were crying. He promptly replied, "Because they don't have any blankets". Oh, so cute!

Mikayla had her first date this week with a cute boy named Zach. She doubled with Cassie Thompson. These kids have so much fun.

Did I tell you that Paul got home? He was here for a few days and then he and his family headed off to Chile for three weeks. He will speak in church on March 17th, the same day as Bridger.  Rylee will speak on the 10th of March. she leaves on the 13th. It's going to be a busy, fun month.

Happy Valentines day. I should have sent you a package, but I didn't. I'm lame. Just know that I love you very much.

Be awesome! Mom

This has been an interesting week. Last monday we had a lesson with Adam. We met him at the church as we usually do and this time we met he just broke down. He's got a ton of struggles right now and the apartment he just moved into had some problems, so he told us that he's homeless and has no money. We gave him a blessing of comfort and after that he left for his fiancee's parents house in Noblesville for a few days. He called us the next day to tell us that he found a place to live down there, which is out of our area so we're done teaching him. We passed his information on to the other Elders and we're hoping for the best.
Yesterday wasn't very good either. We spent the day in Alexandria after church. We had a lesson set with Beth and Everett at 7:30 and we had a member from Elwood meeting us there so we called in the afternoon to confirm the appointment since they weren't at church. Everett told Elder Melchior that they have decided to go to Beth's aunt's church instead of ours. It was heartbreaking. I think we're going to try dropping by next Sunday and seeing if we can sort things out.
Hopefully we don't get dumped for a third time before Valentine's Day!
Love you,

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