Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Gabby's Baptism

 Aug 22, 2011

Hi Jared,

All week long I have been thinking about Gabby and we have prayed for her every night in our family prayer. I am so excited to hear how her baptism was. Tell me all the details. 

This week was busy. We spent Monday cleaning, Tuesday and Wednesday shopping. (Mikayla got at new $1600 violin). Thursday and Friday cutting hair. Saturday was a crazy non stop day with a race, a bridal shower, a baby shower, youth conference, dinner and a show.

Saturday was Mikayla's big event in North Ogden. She and Sally did the "Dirty Girl". It was a 5k run with all kinds of obstacles that drug them through the mud, through a pond, over hay bales, under nets, through pipes, etc. When they finished, they were absolutely filthy. It was pretty entertaining to watch. My favorite was when they got into the arena, which was a complete mud bog, they got into a wrestling match. So funny! They were both wallowing in mud.

Next, it was off to Draper. We stopped by the house long enough for Mikayla to shower and get cleaned up and then we went to Hollie's baby shower.   I made her a quilt. She is having a little girl in about four more weeks. She is keeping the baby and will raise her on her own. It's not going to be easy, but hopefully she has enough family support that she can manage.

Then it was back to Bountiful to get to Erin Lundy's bridal shower. She is tying the knot next month. It's hard to believe that all my young women are old enough to get married.

I had to be in Salt Lake at a park by the temple at 5:00 to greet the youth from the 3rd ward as they arrived after trekking from the Bountiful temple, nearly 17 miles. We had dinner ready for the hungry kids as they arrived, hot and tired.

When I got home, I decided I was too tired to attend the swim team party at the rec center. I stayed home and watched t.v. instead. (Shocking, I know!) Ivan and Jenn showed up around 8:00. They ware starving, and we hadn't had dinner either, so we went out to dinner with them, then we came back and watched an episode of Top Gear. It was super funny, and even more so with Ivan there, so we were all laughing hard. A fun end to a busy day.

Ivan and Jenn and kids stayed the night with us, and then it was off to Tooele in the morning to go to Cody's homecoming. It doesn't seem possible that two years have passed since he left. It seems that we were just out there not too long ago. He did a good job and he bore a strong testimony. It sure is fun to see how much missionaries change and grow. He thinks that Canada is the neatest place on Earth. Maybe I need to set him up with Jamie. She has some Canadian blood in her.  :)

Adam and Emily are expecting a baby boy in January. My parents will soon be Great-Grandparents to two babies.

Everyone asks about you all the time. Uncle Mark says to tell you hi.

Tomorrow is the first day of school. All three are dreading it. Hahaha

I'm anxiously awaiting news about Gabby.

Love, Mom


Things are going really well for us this week. We've got a lot of great investigators and we have three baptism dates set for next month! Plainfield is doing excellent right now. We've been busy this week with meetings and looking for a new apartment. Aside from all that...We had a baptism this week! It went great! There was a huge turnout from the ward. I counted around 70 people there. Gabby's whole family was there to support her too, which was nice. I was nervous about performing the baptism, but I did fine. It's sweet to see how much this ward is growing and the support they give new members.

A few days before the baptism, Gabby gave us a letter with her testimony written in it. It was really powerful seeing the impact of the gospel in her life. I'm so thankful to be a missionary to be able to share that with others.

Love,  Jared

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