Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bunnies, Turtles and Squirrels

Dear Jared,
    How are you? Do you like the food in Indiana? What is your favorite
part about being on a mission so far? Are you allowed to email me?

    I am super disappointed because the Easter bunny did NOT come :(, but I
am happy because I lost my first molar just over a week ago.

    Hey Jared just to let you know, the FHE thing that Mikayla taught, on
the plan of salvation,  just to get things clear, I was the one that asked
megan where she thought her mom would go.

    On Thursday, grandma Mott took us to the play Annie. It was so cute. I
loved it. So if mom lets me, I am going to try out for the play "A Christmas

    I miss you and can't wait for you to call, just make sure that you
don't call while we are in church (11:00-2:00).

    Please write me a letter soon, and draw me a little picture, and send
me some pictures too, PLEASE.



    I'm doing great! The food is pretty much the same here as it is
back home. I sure am getting fed a lot of it though. My favorite part
of the mission so far is how many amazing people I've gotten to meet.
Yes, I'm allowed to email you.

    The Easter Bunny didn't visit us either, but that's ok, we got
some candy from members. Speaking of bunnies, they're ALL OVER here.
There are wild bunnies, turtles, and squirrels running (not the
turtles) all over the place. It's like a zoo out here.

Hope you're doing good.



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